Giving Students Flexibility – SIS

Protecting Student Privacy and Giving Flexibility


Problem: One Canadian college was hosting their data in the United States, but the Patriot Act in the U.S. has compromised the data privacy. Because of this, the college wanted to move their data from the U.S. to Canada, but they were using Campus Anywhere as a student management tool. This college needed something more private, but also something efficient because they were still accepting paper based applications, and course registration was being done by the registrar’s office- a lot of unnecessary work for their already busy staff!

Solution: KDI developed a custom tool and migrated their data. The college wanted automation in several of its management facets, and so the Student Information System (SIS) was created. The SIS is a self served portal for Student and Faculty, where students can create their profile and apply for programs, as well as register for courses and pay online. SIS is highly flexible and robust system, and it automates most of the time consuming aspects of student management, so students have more flexibility, and staff have more time.